Tuesday, January 24, 2006

hmmmmm...I wonder

Just found a great quiz - Who were you in a past life?

The quiz consisted of one question:

What is your current profession?

My answer: nothing

My Result:

In a Past Life...
You Were: A Kind Philosopher.
Where You Lived: Ukraine.
How You Died: Dysentery.

How interesting :-)


So it's passed midnight and i'm still trying to keep my head above the water of sadness. It's got to the point where im reading poetry again and identifying my own manic self in every metaphor. Have to say it's been many years since i've felt this way because I thought I'd become some kind of emotional ice queen or something. But no, the rollercoaster hormones are still buried in there somewhere and they've been saying hello too often this past week. (yes, that's right, it's only been 1 measley week but still).

Only William Blake can say it so in English:

THE SICK ROSE O rose, thou art sick! The invisible worm, That flies in the night, In the howling storm, Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy, And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy.

and i got a bit upset earlier too cos michael told me he found kevin in the town the other day and that kev knows im back here. It just bought up loads of shit that I was trying not to think about atthe moment (like i need it with everything else that's going on) and it means i suppose ill have to speed up the 'getting in touch with them lot' process. I was hoping for a bit more time but then i've been saying that for a few years now so i guess its bite the bullet time. Well, i have to go back to work tomorrow (which aint gonna be fun the thieving, lying bastards) so ill just go and finish the book i borrowed from chris, which just makes me even more sad.................


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