Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006
3:57 pm - what is time and how can you be on it?
well was supposed to be in town for 12 and made it for quarter past one to go jobhunting with an extremelly depressed friend. The funny thing is our 'depressions' started at the same time but mine left about a week ago and i'm my usual happy self again, so i was having a hard time comforting her.Possible job as a chatroom moderator which sounds super to me. Just sit in front of the internet all day making sure nobody swears more than me. I wonder what qualifications i need.I believe there is a problem with unemployment in sunderland because the job centre has been mental these last weeks. Had to wait nearly half an hour to get on one of those crap machines and most of the jobs were those 'earn £300 a week tax free plus commission' type thingies which means basically trawl around the streets from dawn till dusk convincing people to changetheir electricity supplier. Nein danke current mood: creative

copies from lj

5:47 pm - moochos confused
hello ashlea. ive made a live journal finally as you can see, but will keep my black and silver A Day in the Life because it's more versatile with the design therefore more pretty and ill just paste betweenthe two. dont know what else to say so lets watch the godfather.and chris i added you anyway as special reward! current mood: crushed
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